
Date of start of business |
1978 July
Date of establishment |
1978 July
President |
Yasuo Kunimitsu
Capital |
JPY 20,000,000.-
Business category |
composed mainly of intermediary service
(available language : Japanese, English and Spanish)
Staff member |
six persons in Japan
Overseas office |
KM Trading S.A. in Argentine |
Soc. Kampo Marino S.A. in Chile |
Kampo Marino Peru S.A. in Peru |
Handling item |
Argentine |
Merluza, Illex, Red snapper, Shrimp and others. |
Chile |
Salmon (Coho/Trout/Atlantic),Sea Urchin roe, Giant
Squid and etc. |
Peru |
Giant squid, Flyingfish roe, Butterfish and etc. |
Myanmar |
Neem Products, Hard Clam, Used Car, Cosmetic |
Business item |
1. Purchasing agent |
2. Inspection agent |
3. Marketing |
4. Sales promotion |
Main Clients
-Marubeni Corporation
-Toyota Tsusho Foods Corp.
-Nichirei Corporation
-Tokyo Seafoods Ltd.
-Uoichi Co.,Ltd.
-Maruha Nichiro Corporation.
-Okaya & Co., Ltd.
-Kohyo Co., Ltd.
-Grory Oceania Refrigerated Food Processing Co., Ltd
-and others
Main banks |
Mizuho Bank, Ichigaya Branch
Dai- Ichi Kangyo Credit Cooperative
Main office
Sato Bldg. 4F, 3-4-12, Minato, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: info@kampomarino.jp |
Copyright (c) Kampo Marino Ltd. All Rights Reserved.